Monday, May 23, 2011

Answers To My Poll

If one parent has bipolar disorder then the chance of the child having it is 15-30%. If both have it then it becomes 50-75%. It is obvious that it is passed through the jeans but have yet to find a study relating to grandparents and other relatives.

30% of people who have bipolar disorder will attempt suicide and 20% are successful. Treatment will affect these statistics in ones life.

The median onset of bipolar disorder is 25 while other common ages are 17 or 18 and 40 even though it can surface at any age. Bipolar disorder is a biological disorder and can lie dormant until activated on it's own of from physiological stress, social circumstances and drugs as well as alcohol. There is still a lot to discover on this topic. I have had symptoms since I was a child but it wasn't until my mid 20's that I lost the ability to manage my symptoms on my own. I think my onset was caused by symptoms I already had that created an environment for me to get in situations that caused emotional distress making the way for bipolar to surface. Also, even though drugs may be a trigger, often people who have a mental disorder is self medicating because of the symptoms.

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