Most of the time when I talk to people and even write on this computer, I feel confident about the direction of where my thoughts are taking me. I know I need to stand up for myself and others with this illness so that I won't be caught in a stagnant place.
Often people around me have grown to expect nothing from me, including any growth while learning how to live with Bipolar Disorder. When I'm weak I buy into this. Every thought, goal or passion I had can melt when there is a combination of others discouragement and my moments of weakness.
If your a loved one of some one who has Bipolar Disorder and they show a desire to move forward in life, my suggestion is to constantly be positive even though sometimes you know there ideas aren't that good. Don't be totally fake but find positive things to say and make them feel encouraged. I feel as if I'm alone in my battles, my family is looking out for my best interests but only pointing out why my ideas won't work. I need to do things when I have passion for them or else I won't do it.
It takes 10 positive words to counteract 1 negative one.