Living in Canada provides me with a lot of support when unable to support myself because of mental illness. Any person needing phyc drugs and can't afford it, medical will cover it. If unable to work, there is money given to provide monthly needs, full medical and Phyc Dr as well as counselling services.
This is a good thing if it's used to take care of our citizens and help people in times of need so that they can become more healthy, productive members of society. Being given a check every month may put a roof over your head and food in your belly but it doesn't give you a key thing in living a healthy life. Productivity by being involved in your community doing regular work or volunteering gives a sense of purpose that I know is a necessity in fulfilment of life.
Working promotes self esteem, value, rewards for earning your money, social connections and can give a sense of regularity resulting in the ease of a regular schedule.
I know it's difficult for a lot of people with a mental illness to be able to keep a job. Never sell yourself short though. You may need some time away from work to recover but becoming active in your community and earning your own money is a key in your health.
There are 8 categories in improving mental illness.
Treatment to alleviating symptoms. This gives symptom and distress relief
Crisis intervention. Controlling and resolving critical or dangerous problems resulting in assurance of personal safety.
Case management Obtaining the services client needs and wants.
Rehabilitation Developing clients’ skills and supports related to clients’ goals. The purpose of this is to help the ability to function.
Enrichment Engaging clients in fulfilling and satisfying activities to aide in self-development
Rights protection Advocating to uphold one’s rights giving equal opportunity
Basic support Providing the people, places, and things client needs to survive (e.g., shelter, meals, health care) witch is crucial to personal survival .
Self-help Exercising a voice and a choice in one’s life gains empowerment .
I have been fortunate by the support my family has been to me when my mental illness made it impossible for me to function in life. I used the time I moved back home for surviving, then recovering through Phyc Drs, counselling and my GP. I moved out of there house with the help of disability and government housing. It is only recently where I really feel right again and I know that final step was because I was able to start working again on a regular basis. At first I only worked periodically, then it became more frequent as I improved. I'm needed at work now and that gives me purpose again.
Before I had my crash and had to move back home with my parents, I worked a lot. When I stopped working I realized how much my job was who I was. I struggled with finding myself without work. I have feared going back because I experienced a lot of my life being manic while working, taking on as much of a load as I could get, working as many jobs that time would allow and still keeping a social life. I still get those rushes and feelings of wanting to take on as many responsibilities that I can get but now I am able to see that's happening and pull myself back. There will always be that fear of relapse but not letting that enable me to work has resulted in a fulfilment I thought was lost forever.
The government symptom of health care will provide you the ability to exist but falls short in providing necessary things to really live. It's your family and community around you that can give you the purpose for living as well as your involvement in others lives. Involve yourself in helping others through volunteer work, payed work or another community service.