Anthony Stephan is the founder of True Hope. True Hope is a non profit company that gives an alternative to RX drug therapy for people who have mental disorders. It includes a combination of water soluble vitamins and minerals in high doses.
The people who have to watch and live with family members and friends who suffer from a mental disorders go through anguish watching them while feeling helpless not knowing how to help. This is what empowered Anthony to find a permanent workable solution to help people like his wife, Deborah Starr Stephan who took her life due to bipolar, as well as her father years before and now has four children, including Autumn and Joseph suffering from the same disorder, he was in a fight to save there lives.
A fathers love and determination to not settle for anything else but happiness for his kids is what it took for a break through. Anthony studied and prayed for answers, then met David Hardy, a biological scientist who coalated his own research with pigs emotional problems like ear-and-tail-biting syndrome and nutritional supplements with mental disorders in people. The two men partnered up to create supplements for humans that would affect humans the same way as in pigs. This was the birth of EMPower.
Studies started in the University of Calgary under the advisement of Dr Kaplan and now is studied in three different countries in six Universities with hundreds of medical Doctors using the program.
The basic philosophy behind these studies is that people who suffer from a chemical imbalance have a nutrient deficiency because they have a problem absorbing nutrients naturally. EMPower is a formula of high doses of those vitamins and minerals that make the body and brain function as it should. I look at it as giving the body the means to heal itself by feeding it what it needs to connect those wires that have been misfiring.
My family, especially my mom suffered as they watched me struggle with bipolar disorder and knew there was a better answer than medication. I improved on RX medications but had to take more medication to counteract the symptoms while my liver and kidneys suffered from those drugs. My mom was like Anthony, determined to find a solution and pushed me to start EMPower therapy after she researched it.
I was reluctant to try the supplements and only did it to shut my mom up and prove to her it wouldn't work but am glad my mom advocated on my behalf, almost forcing me to give it a chance. I talked with my family Dr as well as partnering with my Phyc Dr and the TrueHope specialist while I slowly went off my RX meds and on the supplements. I never knew I could be this happy and stable. It's like a dream I'm not waking up from. I don't have the drowsy side effects of RX drugs and feel like I want to live again, not just surviving like before.
I am in no way against RX medications to treat mental illnesses. It's all about finding out what works for each individual person. My goal in writing this post is to give another alternative to drug therapy as well as portray how important it is for people to get involved with helping loved ones find solutions. If some one suffers from a mental illness it's so hard to think clearly and research the answers on there own.
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