Should high schools give students a test for depression? With the pressure kids are under from school and home, teams they may be on and social stresses, more and more develop depression and anxiety problems. 31% of students suffer from some degree of depression. It is not part of the curriculum to educate and test children for depression, anxiety or a mental illness, even though small, there is a growing number of schools that address this issue.
Giving a child a questionnaire for assessment is useless unless there is awareness. A program with informal discussions, teaching videos and speakers is key to helping teens cope and others cope around them. Teachers need to be taught how to handle this situation and students need knowledge so they're more accepting towards others.
When I was in high school we were given a test to asses the level of our stress. I answered questions like, have you recently moved or, has some one you know died within the past _ years. There were also a few questions like, have you ever thought about killing yourself and Is it easy to get up in the morning. I scored so high on that test, high being likely to be depressed but the teacher didn't do anything to help which made me feel even more alone.
These kind of tests are good to give students while it's necessary if a teacher gives the test, he/she is equipped to handle the outcomes.