Saturday, June 27, 2009

Stress can depress

It's amazing that one small thing in life that's stressful, when not dealt with can cause so much pain in so many other areas of life.

I've been having back pains the past few months so bad that it wakes me up every few hours. If that doesn't wake me my night mares do. I've had so many other problems and had no idea what to do about it, I was going crazy again not being able to sleep.

Almost two yrs ago I had an accident in a store due to a faulty stool where I fractured my elbow and it took 1 1/2 yrs to heal. When this happened I said to myself that this is something I'm not going to let them get away with like I have with every one in the past. This ended up putting so much pressure on me. Since I couldn't do any thing with the claim at that point I buried my anger so I could get on with my life.

A long time has past and I finally forced myself to start dealing with it by filling the claim. As soon as I did this fog lifted off me. My back cracked with ever move I made and I was able to think so clearly. I couldn't believe how one thing caused all of my problems, some thing that I wouldn't even have thought of. I was making a bigger deal out of this than it really was.

Isn't it true that there are so many times that we procrastinate on doing some thing that it weighs on our head so heavy, it impairs us from doing other stuff in our lives.

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