Friday, October 16, 2009

No RX's... Natural answers

I have not written any thing about natural forms regarding depression or bipolar disorder. RX drugs are not always the 'end all be all' to solve these disorders. Besides cognitive and other therapy's I'd like to offer up some information on vitamins that may help you. In writing this I express that if you do need to see a Dr. please do. Also some Dr's will help by going through the journey of finding the right combination of vitamins or vitamins and RX drugs.

Food and your style of living has a major part to play in your over well being. A regular schedule of activities, sleep and dietary needs is important. Dietary needs exclude large amounts of sugar and caffeine.

Moving on to vitamins. Keep in mind that vitamins are forms of drugs also and you should be well informed about them before taking high doses or have a Dr. overlooking you. Omega-3 fatty acids.... You can buy this in a capsuale and get it from eating fish. Some companies make a combination of Omega oils that are for depression. In the past I have found it helpful with depression. It is also helpful for bipolor disor, anxiety, post traumatic disorder and others. For more information go to

Vitamin D. This is a vitamin you get from the sun and it helps your mood. In some places, during the winter, there isn't a lot of sun. There are a lot of different studies on how much you should take per day of this vitamin. Since it is water soluble, it is safe to take a max amount. The min amount every one should take is 1000-2000 IU. It will also help you with cancer and flu's. You can not get this supplement in your normal diet. For further information go to

5htp, it's like an ati-depressant. It helps the serotonin balance in the brain.

Vitamin B. It is essential for nerve stimulation and for metabolism of carbohydrates to give brain energy as well as body energy. Deficiency symptoms include mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, night terror etc.

A study that started in the University Of Calgary and is now studied threw out north America is that people with mental illnesses, including depression, lack vitamins. To put these vitamins in the body in extreme high doses, helps the brain function. This company is called True Hope. The main vitamins are A,C and D's. This is what I'm going on right now. I'm lowering my RX drugs as I increase my doses of theirs. They have online help as well as an 1-800 line available. The site is

If you have had sucsess with a natural way of dealing with your disorder please contact me.


Meam Wye said...

Very informative. I agree with you completely that diet plays a major role in one's health. Unfortunately, in todays fast-paced world, most of us are so negligent in eating a healthy and balanced diet.

May said...

Yes, taking care of ourselves properly plays a major role in every ones emotional and physical health. I think that often in this society, a lot of our illnesses are due to the body not being feed properly, that changes your mental state weather you have a disorder or not, and it's amazing how many physical symptoms can occur when your not mentally healthy. When I say mentally unhealthy I refer to most peoples every day stress.

I have noticed a difference in the general health of people, especially mental, in different societies around the world. Our busy fast pace culture is like a breeding ground for this kind of thing. I lived in Africa for a very short period of time and have never been more healthy. There was a slower pace and no food had preservatives and other stuff like that.
that people in different places around the world, like a fast paced

Anonymous said...

wow, you obviously have MUCH more ability to take care of yourself than i do... my husband used to cook, but no more, so i don't eat well at all... i now worry about my husband's mental health these days, stress definitely is a killer.... i remain

May said...

Maybe now it may look like I can do more than you in taking care of myself but I know you have the same abilities as I do within yourself. Being motivated to help another's health can become a changing factor in yours.

I was in a hopeless place for a long time like I think you are now. Relief from it was unreal. Search and you will find.