A new study amongst developed countries show that adults who suffer from mental illness are 4 times more likely to experience violence and 1 in 4 people without a disability have experienced violence in the past year. Hm this sounds like people with mental illnesses are beating on people without.
Actually they are 4 times more likley to be victims of the violence than the perpetrators. This says a lot about out society and how they treat the mentally ill, as well as how people's mental illness affects them so that they live life putting themselves in harms way.
People who suffer from mental illness often are a target because of low self esteem, poor social behaviors, social stress and isolation, neurological impairment, and alcohol and drug abuse.
Media often portrays people with mental illnesses as the ones we should be fearful of, instead society should do a better job of protecting them because they are vulnerable to abuse from others.
How can you help change this trend for the positive? Don't make slide comments to homeless people on the street to find a job because they look physically fit enough to work, they may be suffering from a bigger problem than a broken knee or injured limbs. Engage yourself in a conversation, a kind word or relationship with someone who is different and may suffers from mental illness instead of awkwardly ignoring them. Be more aware of illnesses and stop others from derogatory comments at the least.
If you are mentally ill, acknowledge that your are more susceptible to being abused and you are worth more than that. Isolation is your biggest enemy and find something that gives you self worth whether it be in a job, volunteer work or being a good friend.
It takes all of us whether we are mentally ill, know some one who is or are just bi-standers among people for this violence to end. Every little word said or action done, makes a difference one way or another.
A very thoughtful treatment of a very unrecognized and unacknowledged subject. I have read that a huge proportion of homeless folks are those who have slipped through the huge cracks in our failing mental health system. Keep bravely speaking out! Maybe our world can be changed, one tiny piece at a time...
Thank you for your comment and encouragement.
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